Do you have rough dry feet?
Want to know how to diminish or get ride of that dry rough skin?
This is the product for you: Foot Works Beautiful Thermal
Exfoliating Scrub. Like a lot of you I used pumus stones or Ped Egg
kinda like a cheese grater but especially for feet. Whem I tried the
Thermal Exfoliating Scrub it mad my feet feel sexy and I wasn't
worried about covering up my feet anymore.
Here's a comment from a customer in TX.
Location:Copperas Cove, TX
Skin tone:Fair
Skin type:Combination
Date:January 23, 2013
"This stuff really scrubs!! Just to test it out, I used it on my
heels before using a callous remover and was surprised at
the amount of exfoliating this scrub did! Really leaves feet
incredibly smooth in short amount of time! I swear by this